KeyCDN vs. Cloudflare

March 16, 2022

KeyCDN vs. Cloudflare

Are you trying to decide between KeyCDN and Cloudflare for your content delivery needs? These two popular CDN services offer many similar features with some differences that are crucial to consider when deciding which to use. We're here to help you compare!


KeyCDN is a Swiss content delivery network provider founded in 2012. They offer a cost-effective and high-performance service with over 25 data centers located around the world.

Cloudflare, on the other hand, was founded in 2009 and has a more extensive range of services, including not only CDN but also DNS, security, and more. They have more than 200 data centers worldwide.


In terms of performance, both KeyCDN and Cloudflare use SSDs and HTTP/2, so there isn't much difference in speed between them. However, Cloudflare's Anycast network routing might give them a slight advantage in terms of latency.

According to Cedexis,** in 2021**, Cloudflare had an overall global response time of 16.2ms, while KeyCDN had an overall global response time of 20.5ms. However, it should be mentioned that this comparison does not take into account all the possible variables that can affect performance depending on your location and your website's specific needs.


Both KeyCDN and Cloudflare offer many features, but here are some differences worth noting:

DDoS protection

Cloudflare offers DDoS protection at no extra cost, while KeyCDN provides it as a paid feature. Cloudflare's protection is quite robust and is one of the main reasons for their popularity.


KeyCDN has a cheaper pricing plan than Cloudflare - especially for bandwidth usage above 10TB/month, which can be significantly cheaper than Cloudflare.

DNS management

Cloudflare dominates in DNS management. They offer free DNS services with every plan, including advanced DNS management, DNSSEC, and secondary DNS. KeyCDN only provides basic DNS.

SSL certificates

Both KeyCDN and Cloudflare offer free SSL certificates, but Cloudflare's SSL options are more extensive and customizable.


Both KeyCDN and Cloudflare offer 24/7 support, with various methods such as email, live chat, and phone. However, Cloudflare's support can sometimes take longer to respond due to their larger customer base than KeyCDN.


In conclusion, choosing between KeyCDN and Cloudflare depends on your specific needs. If you're looking for a cheaper pricing plan and basic features, KeyCDN might be the better choice for you. However, if you need robust DDoS protection, advanced DNS management, and customized SSL certificates, Cloudflare is probably the way to go.

Remember to do your research before committing to any service, and weigh the pros and cons of each based on your situation. It's important to choose a service that will help your business succeed!


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